Effective exercises to remove belly and flanks at home

Exercise to remove belly and flanks

Often people, the beginners, to lead a healthy life, are surprised, how to lose weight fast, some parts of the body, and the belly remains the same.

Also in the case of some athletes, influenced the area of the waist is noticeable. Why is this so and what are the exercises to remove belly and flanks can help you to quickly cope with the "lifeline" around the waist?

The causes of the formation of fatty deposits in the sides and the belly

To the creation of fat tissue on the belly and the sides lead to:

  • a life without physical activity;
  • the excess of the daily requirement of calories;
  • fermentation processes in the intestine.

Constantly by the consumption of sweets, pastries, and fried foods can be healthy up to 5 kg per month! And all of this is necessarily dwell in the middle part of the body. Healthy nutrition in combination with sports allow you to get rid of a few pounds around the waist.

Effective exercises to remove belly and flanks at home

The following exercises without the need for extra sports equipment. Between them-minute break must.

Should not begin exercise if:

  • Diseases of the heart;
  • severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the organs of the pelvis and of the abdomen;
  • Pregnancy;
  • critical days.

Exercise "Vacuum"

This exercise will have a greater effect when running in the morning and on an empty stomach. In its basis a correct work with the breath.

Novice vacuum is "caught" lying with the legs bent, sitting or standing on all fours. After you master this technique, you can move on to more complex embodiment of the Stand in full growth.

Run as follows:

  • from the cheap starting position in a deep breath through the nose;
  • sharply exhale through the mouth (you need as quickly as possible, to the lungs) and hold the breath;
  • on the exhale, draw the belly strong, aspiring, whether sticking the belly to the loin;
  • stay in this Position for 10-15 seconds, not by a relaxation of the muscles of the body;
  • you breathe slowly and to relax gradually the muscles;
  • you make a few quiet cycles of breath and repeat the exercise.

For 1 time you need 3-5 repetitions, after the delay of the breathing brings up to 30 seconds and the feeling of working the muscles of the abdomen. For a visible result, you should repeat the exercise "vacuum" 3-4 times per week for 2-3 weeks.

Thanks to the exercise "vacuum":

  • reduces the amount of visceral fat;
  • a good body posture;
  • the muscles of the body becomes stronger;
  • reduces pain of the lumbar spine.

Ironing with twists and turns

The classic strap at under arms, where the elbows under the shoulders, palms are connected together in a fist, the legs are not stretched, the back bends.

The technique of execution:

  • a straight line from the apex to the stop;
  • on the exhale, lower the pelvis to the right, as if to touch the hips to the floor, but not touch;
  • on the inhale back into hibernation;
  • with the following exhalation, lower the pelvis to the left;
  • continue to breathe quietly and do 30-40 reps on each side without stopping.

This exercise helps:

  • to work deep, straight and oblique muscles of the abdomen;
  • you will feel the gluteal muscles;
  • to remove starches and hip joints in Boca.

Side-To-Side Ironing

You constantly practise all of your abdominal muscles, buttocks and arms are involved in the work, leading to the reduction of the size of the body.

Run as follows:

  • lie down on side, elbow on floor under shoulder, forearm on the floor rests;
  • lift the pelvis from the ground up, by a straight line from the apex to the stop;
  • you breathe quietly for 10-15 seconds;
  • run to the other side.

Repeat the side-to-side bar 3-4 times in a different direction.

Side panels promotes:

  • The founding of the waist;
  • The depth of the work of the muscles of the legs, the upper body and the upper arms;
  • Reduction of the scoliosis.

Lunges with twists

The starting position: standing, the abdomen inward.

You should avoid, drop the knee of the front leg to the inside, and do not enter the housing to change perpendicular to the ground line.

The technique of execution:

  • take a step back, let the knee of the rear leg on the surface and keep the front Shin as vertical as possible;
  • turn exhale the torso and the hands on the outside of the front leg;
  • on the inhale return to the starting position and repeat 20 to 30 times in each direction.

The effect of exercises:

  • strong muscles of the thighs and the buttocks;
  • Depth study of the oblique abdominal muscles;
  • the strengthening of the back muscles.

Tilts to the side

This exercise reduced body fat "lifeline" and strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles. So waist can increase, thanks to the displayed muscles.

Starting position: feet collected slightly wider than the pelvis, the palm of the hand in the nape of the neck, belly muscles are collected and remain in work, the pelvis and the legs, the coccyx forward.

The technique of execution:

  • on the exhale, tilt the body strictly in one plane in one direction, at the same time, the other stretch;
  • you breathe quietly for 5-10 seconds;
  • on the inhale return to the starting position and repeat in the other direction.

Strengthening the muscles of the body period of time in the pose, you can increase up to 30 seconds. The number of issued energy, you can raised their hands.

The rise of the legs on the chair

You practice it, the abdominal muscles are always melt in the Form, and the belly and the flanks, in the eyes start to. You will need a chair without a backrest.

Starting position: sit on the edge of the chair, clasping him with hands on both sides, keeps the feet just barely touch the floor.

The technique of execution:

  • lean back a little to align the body and head in a line;
  • as you exhale, hold the feet, bend at the knees and forward to the housing;
  • they stay on for 1 second and then on the inhale return to the starting position;
  • repeat 30-50 times, don't hold your breath.


They are bent, lying on the back, where the legs are, the palms of the hands open for the neck.

Technique exercises:

  • on the exhale, lift the upper body, squeezing your back tightly to the floor;
  • they stay on for 1 second in the highest Position, feeling the strain on the abdominal muscles;
  • on the inhale slowly to fall to the ground, controls the housing;
  • repeat 15-30 times, after 4-5 passes.

For greater effect, repeat 2-3 times per week twisting for the full recovery of the muscles after exertion.

Twisting deep to the rectus abdominis muscles to study the upper part, whereby the speed of the internal combustion of fat on the sides.


Unlike normal sit-UPS is that in the reverse of the press is reduced by raising the legs and pelvis.

Is lying on the floor, where the arms are stretched laterally from the body, legs extended as much as possible.

Technique exercises:

  • on the exhale, lift the legs up to the hip lift, as if to twist the pelvis up to the shoulders;
  • when inhaled, legs, and loins, slowly fall to the ground;
  • repeat 15-30 times after 4-5 passages, observe the breath.

Oblique Twist

They are perfect with all the other basic exercise for the leveling of the straight abdominal muscles.

You need to.lie down with your back on the ground, the legs bend in the knees, the palms of the hands twisting on the head

The technique of execution:

  • the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other set;
  • the housing rises to the top and on the exhale a little twisted, as if the elbow to the knee, extending the opposite legs;
  • on the inhale return to the starting position and do the same in the other direction, change legs;
  • repeat 15-30 times, after 4-5 passes.

Twisting with raised legs

It combines all kinds of loads, so that the press is constantly.

The starting position: the whole thing back on the surface, the raised feet, so that the lower leg formed a right angle with the hips, the hands are on the back of the head.

The technique of execution:

  • on the exhale, the hull rises gently to the top of the chest, rounded part of the spine, the head moves in the direction of the knees;
  • A 1 second delay, and with the inhalation the body gently lowered to the bottom;
  • repeat 15-30 times after 4 passes.

Side-To-Side Rotation

Exercise helps to increase tighten stomach muscles, and endurance.

Starting position: back lying on the ground, hands open to the nape of the neck, the legs slightly bent and rotated in the direction of the body bends in the area of the flanks.

The technique of execution:

  • on the exhale the head rises to the top, the shoulder blades from the floor to be replaced;
  • on the inhalation, the body slowly sinks to the bottom;
  • repeat 12 to 15 times for 2-3 sets, bend the knee in the other direction and repeat.

Concerns about the levels of breathing and stare at the ceiling, without bending the neck.

Rotation "Bicycle"

You will be lying on the floor, legs a little bent and raised so that the thigh perpendicular to the floor, the fingers of interlocked hands on the back of the head.

The technique of execution:

  • on the exhale twisting to result in the right side, try to touch the left elbow to the right knee;
  • in this time, the left foot is closer to the body;
  • inhalation of the housing falls to the bottom;
  • Swap sides.

Do the number of times to feel the burn of the muscles of the abdomen begins.


  • the study of the upper, lower and oblique press;
  • strong fat burning is activated in the area of the flanks.

All of the above exercises will help in the shortest possible time to reduce the amount of fat on the belly and flanks. The combination with a healthy diet and enough sleep, the body changed for the better.