Dukan diet: the essence and the effectiveness of

The reasons for the creation of this technology, diet, Dr. Pierre Ducane very accurately described in his book, "I can't lose weight". Here's the quote:

Like all my colleagues-doctors, I am a graduate of the classic French school was where we learned to strict calories and told of low-calorie diets, with which the consumption of all products, but in moderation.

But as soon as I started, this beautiful theory is, on the wavering hope that you will be liable, in turn, a chubby man, a man who eats a lot, in a conscientious and meticulous admirer low-calorie diet are definitely, irrevocably collapsed.

What I know now, I learned through several years of practice, and direct daily communication with my patients — men, mostly women, passionate, want to cook and eat even more the of K. irresistible need. Very quickly I realized that under the guise of gluttony, and unbridled appetite, the need for hidden reward yourself by eating for all fat people is irresistible, and just as vital, as the survival instinct.

But it soon became clear to me that we will be able to help to lose fat people, weight, by how much common sense him just a few tips, no matter the scientific reasoning was in them. The Person making the decision to lose weight, turns to the doctor or the methodology of weight reduction to not alone carry on the fight with obesity — the struggle in opposition to his instinct of survival. This man is looking for a outside force, someone who has accompanied you, and you gave him clear instructions, especially instructions, instructions, the thing he hates the most — precisely because, for him, unthinkable, alone, define the exact days, when and in what way quality of food abstinence.

If all of the above written about you and you can't really count the calories and make your diet without clear instructions, the Dukan diet can rescue you a welcome.

The essence of the diet Ducane

The technique to tell quotes from the book of Pierre Ducane "I can not lose weight":

I created your diet-Protein-interaction... when you Consider the ease with which my patients after the first successful results were ready to withdraw from his target and back to the old one, I had to turn your diet into something big — in a comprehensive weight loss Plan.

Phase "Attack"

what products can they diet the Dukan

Consumption of pure Protein, you can lose weight quickly and in practice is not inferior to the results achieved by starvation or the use of Protein powder, but without the disadvantages of these two methods.

In addition to protein, diet consisting exclusively of proteins that do not exist in nature. So it comes to a diet, in the diet food contains food composition approaching pure squirrel. For example, meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs and low-fat dairy products.

Phase Stripe

This Phase of the diet, the exchange of protein with vegetables, and allows for a quick and to achieve the desired weight.

The Step "Pinning"

The Phase of the anchoring of the results obtained, calculated to avoid the yo-yo effect, when the body tries to recover the lost Kilos quickly restored. This Phase of increased susceptibility, the duration is calculated according to the following formula: 10 days of attachment of each of the pounds lost for the previous two steps.

Rules for the diet to Dukan diet

The task of this Phase of the diet — the avoidance of abrupt weight gain, what is the most common result of most of diets for weight reduction. The introduction of such important products as bread, fruit, cheese some starch-containing food, and access to certain superfluous delicacies are absolutely necessary, provided that their inclusion in the diet is subject to precise instructions. The duration of this Phase corresponds to the number of the lost kilograms multiplied by 10, that means 10 days of the required consolidation of a weight lost.

Phase Of "Stabilization"

The most important last stage of the achieved weight, the simple protective measures that do not require to keep a lot of effort to maintain the weight:

  • 1 Protein day per week, that is, to keep us in the Phase of "attack" 1 time per week, namely on Thursday;
  • the resignation of the Elevator;
  • 3 tablespoons of oat bran per day.

These three rules of strict compliance with the condition require loose, at the same time, concrete and not complicated in the execution conditions, but you have to follow them in the course of your life!

Summary Dukan Diet

Quote from the book of Pierre Ducane "I can not lose weight":

"Phase Pure Proteins "Attack"


  • only proteins.

Average Duration:

  • from 2 to 7 days.
Principles of diet on Dukan diet

Phase Stripe


  • Alternating Protein days and days, if you are proteins and vegetables.

Average Duration:

  • about lost 1 pound per week, until you are your desired weight.

The Step "Pinning"


  • 2 slices of bread, fruit, cheese, 2 servings of starchy foods (1 serving in the first half of the Phase 2 added in the second half).
  • You can arrange a 2-week holiday meal (1 in the first half of the Phase 2 of the feast — in the second half).

Average Duration:

  • 10 days of consolidation, a weight lost.

The last Phase of "stabilization"

Protein + Thursday renunciation of the use of the Elevator + 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily.

Average Duration:

  • during the entire life.

The first Phase of the "attack" is relatively short, but very effective. It replaces the Phase called "change," comprising the times of the storm and pause for breath, followed by a Phase of consolidation of the previously obtained weight, the duration of which is proportional to the number of lost Kilos. And finally, the animals worked so hard to lost weight, is a constant and, therefore, effective measure, with which compliance is recommended until the end of life, — a Protein day per week, which will allow the balance on all the other days of the week."

Why effective Dukan diet

slimming, according to Dukane

The efficiency of the power supply of this system is proven to be very many in practice and it is easy to explain.

  1. Helps quickly lose weight, as Protein diet is.
  2. Alternating Protein days with Protein-vegetable-Protein diet reduces the damage.
  3. Special attention is paid to the preservation of the result. To stay thanks to the mild and gradual return to a normal life, the vast majority of people in the location, in the achieved weight.
  4. Through the creation of rules that one must adhere to, all of life, perhaps a long-term maintenance of normal body weight.